tube & Pipe bending

order of bent tubes

Though we have a range of capabilities in-house, we are benders at our core. That’s what we do best because that’s been our focus since Mechanical Industries was first founded.

We have a wide selection of advanced bending equipment that gives us the power and flexibility to use the correct bending strategy for each individual job, which ensures high-quality results for pipe and tube bends ranging from 1/4" O.D. to 6" O.D.

fabricated tubes collage
welding tubes

Want a quote?

Or are you not to that point yet? If you just want a quick consultation on whether we may be able to help with your project, give us a ring. We’re local and responsive.

Tubes don’t want to bend

Metal tubes and pipes are milled to be straight, and they’re created to stay that way. So bending them into precise and intricate shapes with tight tolerances isn’t easy. But that’s what we do every day.

Our OEM customers depend on the bend angles and shapes of these tubes being accurate and consistent - every time. And it’s a challenge we take seriously.

We maintain good relationships with a network of reputable suppliers and our quality process utilizes spec checks from the first bend to the final pre-shipping inspection, with many check points along the way.

aluminum tube folding table
  • We do as small as 1/4” diameter and as large as 6” diameter.

  • We work with metal. This includes steel, aluminum, pipe, stainless steel, brass, copper, and more.

    And as for shapes, we do more than just round tubes. We also do square and rectangular tubes, as well as solid rods and bars.

  • Yes! If you’re looking into a new tube bending partner, we’d love to invite you in for a tour of our operation.